About Me

Sarkis Chuldjian, C.Ht.

Sarkis Chuldjian, C.Ht.

Certified Hypnotherapist

I welcome you to join me on a journey of exploration into the natural healing properties of your mind, body and spirit. Whether it is the achievement of a personal improvement goal or the urgent need to find a healthy more fulfilling life path, the therapeutic use of hypnosis, imagery and mindfulness is the most powerful resource I know to comfortably and efficiently assist you to achieve your goals.

Perhaps like you, I reached a point where I had to ask myself if I was living my best life, was I living at my full potential? For whatever reason, with each passing year, I felt a growing awareness that we are granted only so much time in our lives and was I using mine being truly happy, fulfilled and purposeful? What was my contribution to the world going be? As those questions grew ever stronger in my consciousness, it awakened in me a curiosity to learn and seek what options and experiences where out there that could offer me the answers and relief I was seeking.

Until then, I had no concept of spirituality or the healing powers of my own mind. I began my search with a series of experiences including counseling, personal coaching and a variety of transformational seminars. Then one day, a friend encouraged me to try hypnotherapy. In those private sessions, I experienced spiritual and personal breakthroughs unlike anything else I had tried. It was hypnotherapy that helped me discover and more importantly access the powers within my own mind, my subconscious mind, that offered me the ability and path to transform my life. One by one, from personal goals and habits to deeper issues of self-esteem, self-love and prosperity vs scarcity beliefs, hypnotherapy delivered what felt to me, an organic, rapid, yet comfortable path to the life goals and purpose I was seeking.

My curiosity and enthusiasm for this wonderful healing modality and my encouragement from my own Hypnotherapist, eventually lead to my enrollment in the Hypnosis Motivation Institute’s Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy. Once there, I learned so many wonderful and fascinating tools to assist people with empowerment and personal transformation that my heart raced with excitement in every class. During my clinical hypnotherapy internship, I had the good fortune to work directly with the Director of the Institute and key Senior Staff Instructors to learn to integrate all my prior learning experiences into my hypnotherapy practice, combining everything I had learned on my own path with the clinical hypnotherapy skills I had acquired at the College.

Today, I have found my life’s passion. reaching out my hand to others who are on or looking for the path of personal transformation. Nothing fills my heart more than to witness a soul releasing its pain, discovering its power and finding its purpose. That’s what happened to me and I would welcome the opportunity to witness it happening to you.

Call or message me if you would like a free phone consultation to ask questions and explore further the potential of our partnership in success.